Roof Deck Systems
Roof Decks are the foundation of any roof system. Bonitz has been installing Roof Decks for over 60 years
Roof Deck Systems
- Lightweight insulating concrete
- Tectum acoustical roof deck panels
- Metal Decking
- Loadmaster roof deck systems
- Engineered fill
Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Decks
Lightweight insulating concrete provides permanent, sustainable, reroofable insulation with a sufficient density and mass effect to reduce temperature fluctuations and increase membrane longevity. It is available for both new construction and reroofing projects. Bonitz is a licensed applicator of Siplast, Aerix and Elastizell products, three of the leading manufacturers of lightweight insulating concrete. Thousands of schools, hospitals and other institutions across the Southeast profit from the benefits of lightweight insulating concrete.

Specialty Services

Stable Insulation Value

Environmentally Safe

Reroof Ability

High Density Mass Effect

Membrane Longevity

Ensures Positive Slope
Tectum Acoustical Roof Deck Panels
Tectum is a leading choice for gymnasiums, cafeterias, auditoriums and other uses where acoustics are a key consideration. Bonitz is a licensed applicator of Tectum products, with dozens of successful installations for K-12 education clients.

Specialty Services

Low or Regular

Compatible with all
Roof Installation

Effective Exposed



Painted or
For over half a century, the commercial and institutional design and construction industries have depended on Tectum’s unique, cost-effective solutions to meet their acoustical challenges. Easy to work with and install, Tectum panels are not only sound absorbing, they are tough enough to stand up to abuse. Painted or left natural, they provide an attractive, durable finish in any application.
Metal Decking
Vented metal deck is one of the most common substrates for lightweight insulating concrete. We ensure that joists and angle are installed correctly prior to decking and we staff certified welders to satisfy the designer’s attachment pattern. Bonitz is also available to supply and install decking in projects where lightweight insulating concrete is not utilized.

Loadmaster Roof Deck Systems
Loadmaster is a complete roof deck design, installation and warranty system. It includes high strength steel deck, thermal insulation, and the unique Duraflex Mineral Board mechanically anchored to the steel deck section to provide composite action that can dramatically increase the performance of the roof covering.
The patented Loadmaster Terminator System eliminates wood blocking at the deck terminations and transitions while stabilizing these areas that are so critical to the performance of the roof covering. Loadmaster Roof Deck assemblies have been fully tested and qualified by FM, UL and all major code organizations for both wind uplift, non-combustibility and fire resistance.
Loadmaster Retrofitting provides economical solutions for situations where an existing Loadmaster or lightweight insulating concrete assembly has lost composite action. By removing the roof covering and the lightweight insulating concrete from the steel form deck, Loadmaster products can be designed, engineered and installed over the existing steel form deck and reinstate the required composite structural action.

Engineered Fill
Cellular concrete provides nearly unlimited geotechnical applications to suit the needs of particular projects. Being both lighter and stronger than traditionally compacted soil, common geotechnical applications include:
Specialty Services

Bridge Approach Fills

Landscaping and Plaza Fills

Roadway Fills

Void Fills / Pipeline Fills / Mine Fills

Weight Reducing Fills / Culvert Fills
By connecting the market’s leading manufacturers with a project’s designers, Bonitz can ensure that a mix design is prepared specifically for an individual project’s site and soil conditions. Cellular concrete flows easily into all spaces, eliminating potential voids. In addition, it is cost competitive at installation and throughout the life of the product.